xAPI Content

  • Pulling xAPI using Postman
    Experimenting with Postman to pull statements from the LRS. Open Postman (you can get it here) Create a new request using the ‘New’ button in the upper left of the interface Go to your LRS and get the endpoint URL and your key and secret. In the Meridian LRS, you have to be an admin… Read more: Pulling xAPI using Postman
  • xAPI Day II
    As I was saying the other day, who is the authority on xAPI? ADL, Rustici, some other body? There is a lot of history here, and as with most government projects, it takes a long, long time to get things established or accomplished. As it turns out, ADL hired Rustici to come up with xAPI… Read more: xAPI Day II
  • What is xAPI?
    I have been working in the e-Learning and UX Design industry for several years. I started designing courseware interfaces and interactions several years ago. My main goal was to create interesting and intuitive learning material, not your everyday ‘next, next, next’ get through the material as fast as you can and get your certificate experiences.… Read more: What is xAPI?